New Customer Special - 10% Discount
If you've finally made the decision to hire a cleaning company to help you with maintaining your home the way you want it to look, give us a call! We'll be happy to talk to you about your home, provide an estimate and get you on our schedule. If you become a new customer, we'll take 10% off your cleaning bill for the first 4 cleanings of your home. This offer is good for new customers who are scheduling monthly, weekly or bi-weekly cleanings. Be sure to mention this promotion when you call to receive the 10% discount on your first 4 cleanings.
New Customer Special - 10% Discount
Become a regular customer and receive a 10% discount on your first 4 cleanings.
Reference Code SPWEB101
This offer is for new customers only and cannot be combined with other offers. See conditions below.

Cleanouts - $50 Off
Are you moving and need to get rid of items you're not taking with you? Are you a landlord whose previous tenants left items behind that need to be removed before new tenants come in? Are you responsible for an Estate that needs a cleanout? Contact us for an estimate. We can work with you on whatever your particular needs are. And we're offering $50 off of any cleanout over $200. Be sure to mention this promotion when you call to take advantage of the discount!
Cleanouts - $50 Off
Schedule a cleanout and receive $50 off of the total cost over $200. Available to new customers in our service area.
Reference Code SPWEB86
This offer cannot be combined with other offers. See conditions below.
Conditions for special promotions above:
* Each requires that you reference the unique code provided when booking the offer.
* Each is on a first-come, first-serve basis as our cleaning schedule may fill up quickly.
* Holidays, inclement weather, and other unforeseen circumstances could occasionally
require a change in the schedule.
17 Grand St, Suite# 204
Somersworth, NH 03878
Service Areas
WE ARE HERE to meet your cleaning needs – whatever they are. We work Monday thru Friday between the hours of 8 am and 4 pm.
OUR GOAL is to ensure that our customers always have the best cleaning options available, tailored to meet individual needs. We strive to provide the highest level of quality in our work and to maintain great customer service through open communication.
OUR CLEANING TEAMS are highly trained and experienced. Each Team consists of 1-3 cleaners, which allows us to provide efficient cleaning in a timely manner. Team Leaders do an inspection of each property after each cleaning to ensure that all areas have been thoroughly cleaned and nothing is overlooked. We pay great attention to detail to meet the customized cleaning plan developed for each customer.
YOUR PROPERTY IS UNIQUE and our professional cleaners will more than live up to your cleaning expectations.
Facility Maintenance Cleaning
Common Area Cleaning
Apartment Cleaning
Move in Cleaning
Move out Cleaning
CONTACT US by phone or email and let’s talk about how SP CLEANING SERVICES can work with you to make your property shine, because...
Everyone deserves a clean space!